
Harold Macy in profileHarold Macy was born on the prairie, caught between the stub­ble and end­less sky. The moun­tains and the for­est beck­oned and he moved to the coast.  It has been his ever­last­ing plea­sure to live forty years in the rur­al com­mu­ni­ty of Merville, on Vancouver Island, a tec­ton­ic splin­ter off the left shoul­der of a rest­less con­ti­nent, where he is sur­round­ed by old hip­pies, fun­da­men­tal­ist Christians, fad­ed cow­girls,  bro­ken old log­gers, gimpy red­necks and urban refugees with their new plaid shirts and attitudes—all great sources of char­ac­ter and sto­ry.  He stud­ied writ­ing with the UBC Mentorship Program, Victoria (BC) School of Writing, Sage Hills (SK) and North Island College.

His first book was The Four Storey Forest: As Grow the Trees So Too The Heart (2011). The his­tor­i­cal nov­el San Josef was pub­lished by Tidewater Press in 2019, and his lat­est work, All the Bears Sing was pub­lished by Harbour Publishing in 2022.   His work has appeared in PRISM International, Malahat Review, Orion, Eye & I, The Broken City, Rhubarb and oth­ers.   He was award­ed Honourable Mention in the 2015 and 2016 Islands Short Fiction Contest.  His sto­ry “Unclipped” won the 2013 NIC 3‑hour Fiction Contest.  He was an invit­ed author at the Fanny Bay Fat Oyster Reading Series in 2016. He is present­ly work­ing on a short sto­ry col­lec­tion “Stranglers, Water Thieves, wide-mouth Pumpkins and the Sweet-talk­ing Angels in the White Trailer.”