San Josef

“The char­ac­ters are as com­plex as a spi­der’s web, the lan­guage poet­ic and the envi­ron­ment a tan­gi­ble force.”
~ Paula Wild, author of Return of the Wolf, Conflict & Coexistence.


“We were not as ter­ri­ble as they made out, though…
Of course we killed num­bers. It was war, and
peo­ple get killed in war. I might as well tell
you about it.”


San Josef

A novel by Harold Macy

San Josef - a novel by Harold Macy

For Clayton Monroe, the last hope for refuge is a strug­gling set­tle­ment at the far north­west cor­ner of  Vancouver Island. San Josef is his sanc­tu­ary from the imag­ined demons and real ene­mies who have pur­sued him for three decades, from the Civil War bat­tle­fields of Virginia and across the plains of Kansas to the gold rush gate­way of Seattle.

Henry Olsen, storekeeper at San Josef
Henry Olsen, store­keep­er at San Josef. Image cour­tesy BC Archives.

For Anika Frederickson, San Josef is her new home, a com­mu­ni­ty built on the promis­es of provin­cial gov­ern­ment offi­cials and carved from the coastal wilder­ness by the per­se­ver­ance and ded­i­ca­tion of her fel­low Danish co-oper­a­tive idealists.

A man like Monroe leaves a burn­ing trail behind him, and the autumn winds of 1897 bring a new arrival to Cape Scott, spark­ing an inevitable chal­lenge to Clayton’s safe­ty and Anika’s family.

At San Josef, the rain­for­est and the riv­er will bear witness.


San Josef is avail­able to order through Chapters/Indigo Books, Amazon Books, and at a local book­store near you.

San Josef is pub­lished by Tidewater Press, New Westminster, BC.